Yoga Asanas, Mudras, Chakras, Bandhas & Kriyas
True yogi asks, “What is the matter within you?” not, “What’s the matter with you?” Yoga is for complete cessation of Vritti. So come and learn Yoga Asanas, Mudras, Bandhas, and Kriyas with DElotus-( Flowering of Innate Human Potential). DElotus promotes different kind of yogic practices like Kundalini yoga or awaking of Tantric Chakras with the help of mother nature, in recent our visit to nature Rishikesh where we have performed many kriyas such Trāṭaka, Neti and Kapālabhati to attain sustainable happiness. ananda maya chitta in yoga this is what everybody must get we recommend one more place Matheran a pollution free place excellent to meditate here are some pictures. Join our Healing Yoga Mudra Courses, Workshop & Retreats in Rishikesh, india.
Chitta vritti nirodha
Various style of yogic practices work on impurity in pure consciousness to facilitate complete reunion of mind, body, soul and energy to attain smadhi ( which must not be treated as final goal otherwise that would also become Vritti ) . Because basic objective of yoga is yoga chitta vritti nirodha” but not as destination somewhere in future but a pure sense of journey. DElotus Yoga Asanas, Mudras, Tantric Chakras, Bandhas, Kriyas in Mumbai.
Kriya Yoga
Kriya means action, deed or effort. Kriyas are cleansing techniques used to purify the body and mind. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika describes the six kriya cleansing techniques. They should only be performed if there is an excess of fat or phlegm in the body.
• Trāṭaka
• Neti
• Kapālabhati
Neuromuscular locks or Bandhas workshop
Neuromuscular locks are in yoga Bandhas are technique to raise the endocrine (glandular) secretions in our body. The change in mood occurs with change on the levels of hormones.
Bandhas are one of those tools that rejuvenate the hormonal balance in the body making you relax and calmer. Our one complete day Bandhas workshop in Mumbai help you to learn everything about bandhas.
Jalandhara Bandha
Uddiyana Bandha
Mula Bandha
Maha Bandha ( combination of all above Bandhas).
Zen yoga and Tai Chi in Mumbai :
The transmutation of language created such a beautiful name “ Zen”. Zen does not differentiate mind and body on contrary it emphasizes the inseparability of the “body-mind” as one union ( read yoga) because we often say with our experience that don’t even try to do mediation just bring dhyāna on the breath.
Zen yoga practices are the combinations of physical and energetic exercises to elevate your spiritual consciousness. As Zen yoga practitioner we combine Hatha and Yantra Yoga to generate force within. Yantra yoga is very similar to yoga where asanas and pranayama with nada yoga or with special mantras to visualize true nature.
To awaken the kundalini you must practice yoga . Let me explain you what is kundalini in very simple word it’s our dormant state; a potential force within each and everyone it is situated at the root of the spinal column. It’s also known as amooladhara chakra. . To awaken kundalini you must prepare yourself through yogic techniques.