Learn Self Defense Online I Realistic Self Defense & Personal Protection

Realistic Self Defense and Personal Protection Programs (RSDP3)

By team DElotus | Flowering of Innate Human Potential

Fearlessness, purity of mind, steadfastness in the yoga of knowledge, charity, self control, worship, self study, penance and straightforwardness.

Our Tai Chi Training in Mumbai is designed to equip experience & encourage adopting specific set of hands-on Tai Chi for Self-defense with Holistic benefits. DElotus I Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM embarks  to impart vital and sustainable Tai Chi practice to promote  as an alternative Holistic exercise and a form of martial arts therapeutic technique. Let Us Be Fit with Self-Defense Workshops. Join our Personal Safety workshops in Mumbai with our Self-Defense Training in Mumbai.

Realistic Self Defense and Personal Protection Programs (RSDP3) or Realistic Mixed Martial Arts focus exclusively on reality based self defense situations  and circumstances. Hence the words “reality based.” Unlike other mixed martial arts and traditional martial arts styles like karate, Judo, akido  or even Krav Maga etc  don’t address and coach psychological techniques to be deployed as and when they are warranted.  They are very effective for those who are already experts but for commoners it can miserably fail. It’s all about learning how to defend. Learn Self Defense Online I Realistic Self Defense & Personal Protection Programs I Akido I Tai Chi I Krav Maga Self-Defense Workshops 

“RSDP3 refers to specific style of self defense that center exclusively on real world self defense scenarios.”

What Makes a DElotus | Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM RSDP3?

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RSDP3 must work specifically on practical solutions to contemporary challenges. RSDP3 has to  also address Self Defense and Personal Protection from the following broadly related perspectives:

  • Physical
  • Psychological
  • Emotional
  • Tactical
  • Spiritual
  • Ethical

Related post: You Must Learn Self- Defence

RSDP3 has to have three distinct stages of conflict. Because there are patterns or natural stages to human conflicts. Everyone who are interested all facets of conflict and challenges must master the understanding and skills to overcome all 5 stages that conflict will go through. And there may be slight differences in the way it unfolds in realistic situations.

  • Dormant Stage of Conflict or Premeditated Stage
  • Pre Conflict Stage
  • Escalation Stage
  • Conflict Stage
  • Post Conflict Stage

Techniques to Enhance Your Practice

Therefore RSDP3 must include a broad range of training curriculums that address the many complex issues of modern day conflict and challenges. As a result, RSDP3must integrate numerous sciences and disciplines like Mental Attitude, human psychology, philosophy, doable Self-defence  Techniques, Tools, Yoga, Holistic Health,  and Various other  Spiritual Practices, because spirituality and self- defense are the two sides of same coin. One is not complete and compatible without other.

To connect for FREE consultation please feel FREE to call 9820171766
For Group Workshop please email to edu@delotus.in

The information provided in this blog  is not a substitute for professional medical advice.  Please consult your physician, and his video is for illustration ONLY. Practicing without Instructor’ guidance may be harmful