Learn Self Defense Online I Self-Defense Online Workshops I Krav Maga
As a practitioner sooner or later we all have to realize that the spiritual components behind widely known Self-defense techniques, in today’s world while making ourselves financially well off , we totally ignore our physical and spiritual health. For the personal and spiritual growth your physical fitness is the key with Positive mental attitude. You can conquer both your inside and outside worlds if you truly recognize the importance of positive thinking backed with affirmative defense techniques as the most important tools of success.
Self Defense & Affirmative defense Workshops
Our prompt Self Defense & Affirmative defense Workshops, seminars and events essentially for Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection. DElotus (flowering of innate human potential) TM Self Defense one week workshops are perfect for beginners. Tips, tricks, and tools you can immediately use to increase the safety of yourself and your beloved ones. Do not miss the opportunity to join life-changing events, seminars and workshops.
Our self defense workshops curate a positive mental attitude which can culminate into optimistic mental disposition in every situation in your life . You can attracts positive changes and increases achievement by combining Mental Strength with various self- defense techniques. Once you know how to deploy them effectively with powerful and efficient self-defense moves that continues to seek, find and execute ways to win, or find a desirable outcome, regardless of the circumstances. Learn Self Defense Online I Self-Defense Corporate Workshops I Online Krav Maga I Self Protection Online Training & Seminars in India
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self defense workshops & courses
DElotus (flowering of innate human potential) TM workshops work on two areas self-efficacy and Self-defense awareness techniques can help anyone and everyone to gain insights and agility which can ultimately leads to succeed in other areas of your lives.
Our sessions and workshops are rooted in Tai Chi, Krav Maga, kalaripayattu, while drawing inspiration from various other martial arts as well. It is designed to accomplish a balance of four aspects of life such as health, fitness, self-defense, preventive wellness and No prior experience is necessary to join classes.
NOTE: ALL THE ABOVE MENTIONED physical and psychological techniques such as Spiritual Dance workshops & courses ARE BEST PERFORMED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF AN EXPERT.
By DElotus (flowering of innate human potential) TM