DElotus | Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM Face Yoga
“There are as many ways to practice YOGA as there are flowers in the world.”
Capacity and potential are not sufficient in the path of self-discovery one requires readiness to transform as well. Unless and until one succeeds in galvanism all holistic strength, I do not think one would be able to succeed, so just ready to Kiss The Sky, Laugh Out Loud & Look Younger With DElotus | Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM Facial Yoga, Face Yoga Also Called “Facial Yoga”, “ Face firming, “ FaceLifting” Or “ Facial resistance Training” Or Simply Face Exercises Customized to Tone And Strengthen The more than 57 Muscles Of The Face From a group of muscles, what it takes twenty minutes a day with respect and self- love that all you need for Magnificent Face.
This 2 hour workshop and webinars on Face Centric Yoga in Mumbai, Delhi and Lucknow will focus on the face, neck and hair, These workshops of exploration is firmly grounded in the body, utilizes imagery, and prioritizes form over holistic well being .
This has already been an enormous love and laughter ! And I am happy to say that REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!!!