Experiential Learning Through Butoh I Drama Online Training I Theatre
Is our Art too limiting?
Most often, acharya neeraj intrigues and argues, we confine Dance to the dance floor , or to restrictive ceremonies, may be just some times its truly meditative. But what would happen if we could grow our Dance, i.e. if we could shift our way of being in the world in its entirety? Come and join our Corporate Training Through Storytelling, Drama, Butoh & Theatre in Mumbai .
If we grow our Dance, we learn that to practice Dance is to live with awareness, acharya neeraj explanations. One example of living with awareness is to be immediately aware of the feelings that are arising in our body instead of just moving through some conditionings or instructions.
Experiential Learning Through Butoh I Drama Online Training I Intensive Theatre Online Program I Drama Classes I Drama Therapy in India

Experiences of a recent participant:
“Thank you so much for corporate theater workshop in Delhi. I’m really thankful for your strategic and practical processes. Looking forward for more guidance in future.”- Samir Pradhan from DelhiFIND OUT MORE…Register Now!
For more information, please call us on +91 805 244 2444 or email edu@delotus.in
NOTE-Please contact us for information about future workshops & Courses or if you would like to participate any specific workshop.Mindfulness, art & Storytelling Retreat, workshops , seminars ….
But Do not look for approval except for the consciousness of doing your best dancing style , through DElotus | Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM Physical theater, Butoh, Art therapy & Physical Theatre. Workshops, seminars and individual courses In association With Delotus Advaya Holistic Health Solutions Pvt. Ltd is to help people deal with physical, emotional, or psychic challenges and problems. Our artistic approach support people integrate their emotional and physical needs to relieve stress, resurrect confidence, and overcome emotional problems with Storying, Sociodrama, Role theory & Psychodrama. Expression is the key in emotional healing and holistic wellness so be part of our Creative Arts Therapy and Expressive Arts Therapy workshops and seminars on so many creative ways such Play therapy, Poetry therapy and bibliotherapy etc.DElotus Exploring Spirituality With Healing Power Through Butoh, Story, Dance & Art workshops, Courses & Sessions in India. Drop-ins welcome!Experience of one of our participant:
“I’ve been to a few performance-type groups, and this is by far my favorite. The team DElotus has a delightful and infectious enthusiasm which puts everyone at ease, and there’s a really warm atmosphere to this theater workshop.” Kabir QureshiFIND OUT MORE… Reserve Your Spot NOW
Our Storytelling online courses will be able to give benign, fostering, and methodical process to drama and story therapy in India provides a way to express their experiences and feelings through a natural, self-guided and psycho-social support for online storytelling in Pune.
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