How To Do Doga With You Dog

How to Do Doga With You Dog I Doga Yoga Workshops I Dog Yoga

Do Doga with Your Dog

The purpose of DOGa is to form a deeper bonding between a dog and its pet parent. Because the very purpose of Yoga is to unify body, mind, and spirit. Here I must clarify that dogs don’t actually do yoga postures (though they can perform an awesome downward dog). I teach yoga to the proud pet parents, so they can be more connected to their body and mind, and dog act as a bridge.

DElotus DOGa Workshops India I Doga Yoga Facilitators I Online Doga Yoga Training I DOG YOGA Class I Balance Your Life with DOGa Yoga

All species including humans have advanced to become intensely attuned to Mother Nature as long as we are ready to accept that we love and respect everyone on this planet. We feel that dogs are able to understand many of the words we use, they’re even better at interpreting our tone of voice, body language, and gestures. And like any good human friend, a loyal dog will look into your eyes to gauge your emotional state and try to understand what you’re thinking and feeling.

 Pet- Centric I Workshops, Courses, Road-Trips, Vacations & Retreats

  • Cultivate mindfulness & awareness with your beloved pets
  • Learn tools & techniques for DOGa Yoga
  • Reduced stress & Improved mood
  • Learn a strong & pet parenting-centered focus
  • Deepen your relationship with your pets
  • provides good exercise for obese or elderly dogs
  • build a better bond between pet parents and pet
  • Explore  Doga Yoga in completely new transformational ways
  • Rewire  your mind-body-soul connection  through The Healing Power of Doga Yoga

Experiences of a recent participant:

“Thank you so much Doga Yoga  Teacher Training sessions and guidance. Looking forward to more guidance in the future.”-  Monica  from Mumbai

FIND OUT MORE…Register Now!

NOTE-Please, contact us for information about future workshops & Courses or if you would like to participate any specific workshop.

Caution: It is imperative to remember that dogs and pets can’t tell us when they have had enough. Doga, and any variation of it, should always be done out under the watchful eye of trained professionals. Before commencing any of the Doga Yoga Teacher Training techniques & practices described, please consult your physician or other health care professional to determine if these exercises are safe for you. It is always recommended to practice life skills or any other technique under a trained master. DOGa Yoga Online Training I DOGa Yoga Online Courses I DOGa Yoga Courses For Teachers I    Learn  DOGa Yoga From HomeDOGa Yoga Program I DOGa Yoga Classes For Expats I  DOGa Yoga Online Classes I DOGa Yoga Sessions I

By DElotus| Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM

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