Category Archives: Uncategorized
DOGA Yoga for You and Your Dog Workshop
Doga Yoga for You and Your Dog Workshop Like truest sense of yoga, DOGA is [...]
योग निद्रा (Yoga Nidra ) हिन्दी में
योग निद्रा (Yoga Nidra ) हिन्दी में नमस्ते , योग निद्रा (Yoga Nidra ) के [...]
The Yoga Nidra & Mindfulness Retreat: Unlocking the Healing Power Within
Yoga Nidra Retreat I Sound Healing Retreats I Mindfulness The Yoga Nidra and Meditation Retreats [...]
Laughter Meditation Courses & Retreats in Rishikesh, Goa, Kerala, India.
Laughter Meditation Workshops, Courses & Retreats in Rishikesh, Goa, Kerala, India. DElotus (Flowering of Innate [...]
Tibetan Yoga
Tibetan Yoga Recently concluded Tibetan yoga workshop in Delhi at GK has been very successful [...]
Benefits Upward Facing Dog in Delhi
Upward Facing Dog, this posture opens the chest and strengthens the whole body.
Tai chi workshops in Delhi
under the able guidance of Neha Ji Team DElotus Advaya has conducted a very enriching [...]
Doga – Yoga with your Dog | DElotus
namaste, creating Unity ( Yoga ) Between Dog and Pet Parents more covered by many [...]
Restorative Yoga, Breathing and Meditation Techniques for Back Pain
Restorative Yoga, Breathing and Meditation Techniques for Back Pain Restorative Yoga and yogic Breathing exercises [...]
What is Meditation, Dhyāna, zen & Chan ??
What is Meditation, Dhyāna, zen & Chan ?? “With each & every breath, just [...]