who, or what, we really are?

who, or what, we really are? Is this question valid or it has no meaning [...]


Śalabhāsana posture Easy Clothing for all the  yoga sessions  (example: tracks, loose fit t-shirts) life [...]


Utthitapārśvakoṇāsana  posture Easy Clothing for all the  yoga sessions  (example: tracks, loose fit t-shirts) life [...]


Viparītakaraṇi posture Easy Clothing for all the  yoga sessions  (example: tracks, loose fit t-shirts) life [...]

viparita karani, ultra asanas

viparita karani, ultra asanas DElotus Asanas are prescribed for the purpose of physical, spiritual growth [...]

Tratak Mediation

Tratak Mediation Techniques Tratak mediation is very effective in sending peaceful and steady single to [...]

Rabbit Pose

Rabbit posture supply the nervous system with fresh blood and oxygen. It rejuvenates thyroid and [...]

Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana or Dolphin Plank Pos

makara adho mukha svanasana or Dolphin Plank Pose is a very simple posture which work [...]

Matsyasana or Fish Pose

Matsyasana or Fish Pose Sthira sukham asanam.     DElotus Asanas are prescribed for the [...]

Shishuasana or child pose

Shishuasana or child pose Sthira sukham asanam. DElotus Asanas are prescribed for the purpose of [...]