Monthly Archives: March 2016

Asanas (postures) and Awareness

The practice is not in the asanas  (postures) , it is MORE in awareness.”- acharya [...]

Various Interpretations of ‘Yog’

Various Interpretations  of ‘Yog’ The true master is required to interpret, not to teach or [...]

From viyoga to Yoga

What we  perceive  ‘body’ and ‘mind’  separately are mere illusion  ( maya ), it is [...]

Laughter Meditation Training I Laughter Meditation Therapy Retreat

Laughter Meditation Training I Laughter Meditation Therapy Retreat Laughter is an instantaneous meditation-  neeraj DELotus [...]

Expressive Arts Therapy Online Sessions & Workshops Worldwide

Art therapy Training I Story therapy in India I Expressive Arts Therapy Expressive Arts Therapy [...]

Meditation workshop & courses in Rishikesh

Meditation workshop & courses in Rishikesh, India, DElotus | flowering of innate human potential workshops [...]